
小学生英语小作文:Flower ceremony

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  • 发布时间:2012-04-23 22:22:59
  • 浏览:87

  Fireworks started, the children cheered up: let the beginning of flower啦! Flower began to take it! ... ...

  Crackling scornful震天雷enormous sound began. Immediately after that, a firework into the sky, and more like a pot of flowers in full bloom it! It gradually disappeared.

  See also Article 1 of the points sulphureum Yunxiao straight, suddenly bang of an explosion, and this should be a deep-fried it trounced, but they have jumped out of a big and bright flowers, and that gorgeous color but colorful, with green , yellow, white, red, and yellow in the rosy, blue and white里透, green里透powder.

  It even has its own proud of its name: 天女散花.



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