
情景口语Approving someone 答应某人

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  • 发布时间:2012-05-05 13:10:41
  • 浏览:43
Approving someone 答应某人

  来自 | 撰写| 4月29日

  A: I think you should give it a try.

  B: OK, if you want me to.


  A: How about if I pick you up about two?

  B: That"s fine with me.


  A: What do you say we cruise by the bar?

  B: Why not?


  A: Would you like me to pay for it now?

  B: Sure.


  A: Did he agree to your proposal?

  B: Yes, he did.


  A: Give up all credit buying until you"re debt-free.

  B: Yes, of course.


  A: Can I take this afternoon off?

  B: Okay, it"s not very busy this afternoon anyway.


  A: Is the matter settled?

  B: You"ve got a deal.



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