
Don"t go Harry

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  • 发布时间:2012-08-31 13:27:33
  • 浏览:81
Don"t go Harry

  HARRY Potter fans in China must be busy reading these days. The Chinese version (译本) of Harry Potter and the Death Hallow, the last book in the Harry Potter series, went on sale on October 28.

  Did you buy the book? Do you like it? Let"s see what Teens readers think.

  Yang Guanglin, 14, of Beijing:

  I bought the book on October 28. I"ve got all the Harry Potter books in English and Chinese. I think this one is the best of the Chinese versions of Potter books. Usually by the time I get to the end, I"ve forgotten the beginning. But this book is so clear that I remember everything.

  Xu Xinxin, 14, of Ningbo, Zhejiang:

  I bought the book last Tuesday. I"ve read the English book so I already know the story. It"s easier to read the Chinese version. I read in the English book that someone dies (死亡). But the grammar is so difficult that I didn"t have a clue (线索) who the dead person is!

  Yao Xiao, 16, of Shanghai:

  I ordered (预订) the book in early October. So I got it on October 28. I finished it in three days. I didn"t read the English book but I already know who dies at the end. When I read how Voldemort kills Professor Snape, I had tears in my eyes. It"s the last book. What a pity (遗憾)! I want there to be more!



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