
情景口语Purpose and reason 询问目的和缘由

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  • 发布时间:2012-09-14 12:17:21
  • 浏览:46
Purpose and reason 询问目的和缘由

  来自 | 撰写| 6月1日

  A: What did you do that for?

  B: I thought you wanted me to.


  A: What do you want me for?

  B: Can you give me a ride downtown?


  A: What brought you here?

  B: I just stopped in to say good-bye.

  A: Going back to Japan?

  B: Yeah. I have a flight tomorrow.


  A: What do you go to college for?

  B: For social reasons.


  A: What have you come back here for?

  B: I forgot to tell you something important.


  A: What are you here for?

  B: I came to see Jane.


  A: What did you come to L.A. for?

  B: To study English.


  A: What is your goal this year?

  B: I want to sell three new Fords each week.



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