
Learning from life

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  • 发布时间:2013-01-17 16:30:03
  • 浏览:100
Learning from life

  BEFORE Zeng Zimo became a host for Phoenix Satellite TV (凤凰卫视) in 2000, she had worked for one of the top banks in New York for four years. Each day she dealt with data (数据) and forms (表格).

  The job paid well. But she got tired of the life, and decided to make a change.

  When she joined the TV station, Zeng said she knew nothing about the field at all. She had to learn how to do interviews. She had to learn how to face the camera. It was a challenge. But she found the new job fresh and fun.

  Were her years in the bank wasted then? Zeng told Teens that the answer is no. They made her smart and careful.What you do in life changes the way you think. You take what you have learned from an experience with you onto the next stage (阶段) of your life, she says.



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