
Ó¢Óï¿ÚÓïÈý×Öͨ µÚ006-010ÆÚ

  • ×ÖºÅ:´ó ÖРС
  • ×÷Õߣº
  • ³ö×Ô£º
  • ·¢²¼Ê±¼ä£º2013-02-06 12:03:58
  • ä¯ÀÀ:25

Heavens! Ìì°¡£¡£¨=My God!£©

-I heard that you were sick. Ìý˵ÄãÉú²¡ÁË¡£
-Yes, I had SARS. Êǵģ¬ÎÒȾÉÏÁË"·Çµä"¡£
-Heavens! Are you completely well? Õæ²»¸ÒÏàÐÅ£¡ÄÇÄãÍêÈ«ºÃÁËÂð£¿
-Yes, don"t worry. àÅ£¬Äã²»±Øµ£ÐÄ¡£

-What happened to that policeman? ÄǸö¾¯²ì³öʲôÊÂÁË£¿
-He was shot by the criminal. Ëû±»×ï·¸¿ªÇ¹ÉäÖÐÁË¡£
-Heavens! Did he survive? Ìì°¡£¡¾È»îÁËÂð£¿
-Yes, but he was badly hurt. µ±È»£¬µ«ËûÉ˵úÜÖØ¡£

Here! ÓУ¡À´ÁË£¡Î¹£¡

-Here! Stop fighting! ι£¡±ð´òÁË£¡
-But we exercise by boxing. ÎÒÃÇÁ·Ï°È­»÷ÄØ£¡

-Here. Put this bathing suit on. ¸ø£¬´©ÉÏÕâ¼þÔ¡Ò¡£
-Will it fit? ºÏÊÊÎÒÂð£¿
-Try it. ÊÔÊÔß¡£
-Here. Take it back. It"s too small. 飬ÄûØÈ¥£¬Ì«Ð¡ÁË¡£

Howdy? ÄãºÃÂ𣿣¨=How are you?/How are you doing?/How do you do?£©

-Howdy? What"s up today? ÄãºÃÂ𣿽ñÌìÓÐʲôÐÂÏÊÊ£¿
-Nothing new. ûÓС£

-Howdy? What brings you here? ÄãºÃÂð£¿Ê²Ã´·ç°ÑÄã¸ø´µÀ´ÁË£¿
-I"m picking up my boyfriend. ÎÒÀ´½ÓÎÒÄÐÅóÓÑ¡£

-Where were you these days? Äã×î½üÈ¥ÄĶùÁË£¿
-I went to Sichuan. ÎÒÈ¥ËÄ´¨ÁË¡£

Jerk! ´À²Ä£¡

*beef jerk Å£Èâ¸É

-You are just a jerk! ÄãÕæÊǸö°×³Õ£¡
-Hey! I am your elder brother. You got to give me some respect. ι£¡ÎÒÊÇÄãµÄ¸ç¸ç£¬ÄãÓ¦¸Ã×ðÖØÎÒ¡£
-OK! Mr. potato-head. Ŷ£¡ÊíÍ·ÏÈÉú¡£

-Why are you shouting? ÄãÈÂʲô£¿
-Jerk! Back-off your car. You are blocking the street. ±¿µ°£¡°Ñ³µ¿¨×ߣ¬ÄãµÄ³µ×Ó°ÑÕâ½ÖµÀ¶¼¶ÂËÀÁË£¡

Maybe. ¿ÉÄÜ£¬Ò²Ðí¡££¨=probably/perhaps/possibly£©

-Will you love me forever? Äã»á°®ÎÒÒ»±²×ÓÂð£¿
-Maybe. Ò²Ðí°É¡£
-Why do you say that? ÄãΪʲôÕâô˵ÄØ£¿
-I cannot see the future. ÎÒÒ²²»ÖªµÀ½«À´»áÔõÑù°¡£¡

-I believe it will rain tonight. ÎÒ¾õµÃ½ñÍí»áÏÂÓê¡£
-Maybe. Ò²Ðí°É¡£
-I"m sure of it. ¾ø¶Ô»áÏÂÓêµÄ¡£
-Maybe as you say. ¿ÉÄÜ»áÏñÄã˵µÄÒ»Ñù¡£



