
英语口语三字通 第021-025期

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  • 发布时间:2013-06-05 12:25:44
  • 浏览:29

Check, please. 买单。(=Could I have the bill/check?)

-Why are you arguing? You"re ruining our lunch. 你吵什么?破坏我们吃午餐的兴致。
-You"re the one who"s ruining it. 是你吧!
-Check, please. 买单。
-What? You haven"t finished your sandwich. 什么?你的三明治还没吃完呢。

-This dinner was delicious. 这顿饭真的太香啦!
-Would you like some more? 还想要点别的吗?
-No, please. I"m very full. 不,谢谢。我已经很饱了。
-Waiter! Check, please. 服务员!买单。

Come on. 求求你了!(/ 快点!/ 别胡扯了!)

-Would you like to go out with me tonight? 今晚你和我一起出去好吗?
-I have other plans. 我有其它安排了。
-Come on. It will be fun. 求求你了!我们会很开心的。
-I told you I have other plans. 我告诉你:我已有约了。

-Are you really selling your old car? 你真的要把旧车卖了吗?
-Come on! How stupid do you think I am? 别胡扯了!你以为我真有那么傻吗?

Good enough. 好极了;刚刚好。

-Would you accept twenty dollars for the book? 这本书20美金卖,你卖吗?
-No, but I"ll accept twenty-five. 不行,但如果是25美元还可以。
-Good enough. I"ll take it. 好极了,我买了它。
-Would you like me to wrap it for you? 要不要我给你包起来呢?

-I can"t finish the work before the weekend. 周末前我做不完这项工作。
-Can you finish on Monday? 那周一能完成吗?
-Yes, I"m sure of it. 可以,我保证。
-Good enough. There"s no hurry. 好极了,那我就不急了。

Have fun! 玩得开心点!(=Have a good/nice time!)

-When do you leave for the beach? 你啥时动身去海滩呀?
-Just after lunch. Would you like to come? 午餐以后。你要一起去吗?
-No, just with Jim. Have fun. 不,我跟Jim去,玩得开心些!
-Are you sure you don"t want to come? 你真的不想去吗?

-We"ll be back before midnight. 我们十二点前会回来。
-I hope you enjoy the concert. 希望你会喜欢这场音乐会。
-I"m sure we will. 我们一定会的!
-You can tell me about it tomorrow. Have fun! 那明天你给我讲讲。玩得开心点!

I hear. 我听见了。

-Stop watching TV. Get to work! 别看电视了,工作吧!
-I hear. What"s wrong with you? 我听见了,你怎么了?
-Look at this mess. I"m so tired. 看看这,乱七八糟的,我都要累死了。
-Ok, I"ll do it later. 好,待会儿我收拾!

-Stop talking on line. You haven"t finished your homework. 别再上网瞎聊了,你的作业还没写完呢!
-I hear. Why are you shouting? 我知道了。你干嘛大声嚷嚷?
-Look at this test paper. Do you hear? 看看你的试卷。你听到我说话了吗?
-Ok. I"ll do it now. 好啦,我现在就做。



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