
情景口语Making arrangements 作出安排

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  • 发布时间:2014-01-01 09:55:20
  • 浏览:65
Making arrangements 作出安排

  来自 | 撰写| 4月13日

  A: Is that all right with you?

  B: OK with me.


  A: Is Friday OK?

  B: Yeah, that sounds good.


  A: Is 7:30 OK?

  B: Sure. That"s fine with me.


  A: A problem has come up and I can"t come to see you.

  B: I"m sorry to hear that.


  A: When will it be convenient for you?

  B: Let me consult my calendar.


  A: Are you busy now?

  B: No.

  A: I"ve got a couple of questions to ask you.


  A: Does that date suit you?

  B: No, it doesn"t suit me at all.


  A: What can I do for you?

  B: I"d like to change a reservation for flight 732 on April 7th. If possible I "d like to fly on the 10th on the same flight.



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