
初中英语语法 介词用法口诀大全4

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  • 发布时间:2011-11-07 09:57:10
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 工具、同、和、随 with,具有,独立、就、原因

  例:We write with ball pens. 我们用油笔写字。(工具)

  但 He write in blue ink. 他用蓝水笔写字(墨水用 in 不用 with)

   Theory must go hand in hand with practice. 理论必须同实践相结合。(同)

   He is talking with friends. 他正同朋友们谈话。(同)

   I"d like to have a dinner with a friend. 我喜欢同朋友共同进餐。

   We must co-operate closely with them. 我们必须同他们紧密合作。(同)

   We, as human beings are going to leave, but friendship has taken roots among us and our hearts are linked with yours. 我们虽然就要走了,但是友谊却在我们之间扎了根,我们的心和你们的心是紧紧相连的。(和或同〕

   A cadre must become one with the masses.干部必须和群众打成一片。

   I"m with you. 我同意你。

   An atom is so small that we can"t see it with a microscope.


   In the past I had to part with my wife. 旧社会我不得不和妻子离别。(和)

   The socialist revolution is deepening with each passing day.


   They sail with the wind. 他们顺风航行。(随着)

   With the change of the economic foundation, the superstructure has to be transformed too. 随着经济基础的改变,上层建筑也必须改变。(随着)

   With the battle of Waterloo, Napoleon"s rule in Europe was ended.


   The modern electron tube. 随着电子管的发明而诞生了现代电子工业.

   She is with child. = She is in a very interesting condition. = in a family way, = She is pregnant (in pregnancy). 她怀孕了。(有)

  但 She is with a child.意为:她领着一个孩子。

   China is a very large country with a long history. 中国是一个历史悠久的大国。(具有)

   China is a country with a population of ten billion people.

   中国是一个有10 亿人口的国家。(具有)

   What is the matter with you? 怎么回事?(就,关于)

   How is it with you? 你怎么啦?(就,关于)

   Everything was going well with them. 他们一切都进行得很顺利。(就)

   It is a very intense flash with a lot of power packed into it.


  注;即分词独立主格结构用 with。

   With a new welding technique introduced, the use of stainless steel was no longer limited to making small things only. 由于新的焊接技术的引进,不锈钢的使用就不仅仅局限在微小的物件上了。(独立结构)

   With all its beams advancing in step with each other the laser possessed very particular properties which no ordinary light ever has. 由于激光的光束同步,所以它具有普通光所没有的特殊性质。(独立结构)

   Without the temperature or pressure changed matter can never change from one state into another. 没有温度或压力的变化,物质永远不能以一种状态变到另一种状态。(独立结构)

   The evil landlord was trembling with fear. 那个万恶的地主吓得浑身发抖。(原因)

   My wife"s hands were rough with work. 我爱人因为老干活,手很租糙。(原因).

   With the help of my classmate"s tape recorder I listen to the Voice of America and B.B.C every day. 借助于我同学的录音机,我每天收听美国之音和B.B.C。(原因)

   With television, we can see all kinds of programmes on the screen sitting at home without going to the movies and theatres. 因为有了电视,我们坐在家里就能看到各种节目, 而不必去影院、戏院了。(原因)



   这里的 with 后边的宾语常译成主语。

  例:How are the things with you? 你情况怎样?

   What"s wrong with your eyes? 你的眼睛怎么啦?

   Something is wrong with my hands. 我手出点毛病。

   Everything was going well with them. 他们一切都进行得很顺利。

   Parents must be strict with their children. 父母对子女要严格。(对)

   The doctor was very patient with his patients. 那位医生对患者非常耐心。(对)

   I"m quite satisfied with your answer. 我对你的回答很满意。(对)

   Many intellectuals with revolutionary tendencies went to the liberated areas.


   These apartment houses are for workers with families. 这些住宅楼是给有家属的工人盖的。

   He was sitting in a chair with his hands folded.


   They are highly mechanized farms, with machinery to do all the work.


  上两句是 with 引出的复合结构。

   I will be with you again in half an hour. 过半个钟头我还会跟你们在一起的。

   (with 的介词短语作表语。另注意 in 将来时态 in 以后)

   Our sympathies were with the students persecuted by the gang of four during the cultural revolution. 我们是非常同情文革中被四人帮迫害的青年学生的。(with 的介词短语作表语)。


  海、陆、空、车、偶、被 by,单数人类 known to man

  例: by land (air, sea, water, bus) 陆路(航空,水陆,水路,乘公共汽车)

   by micro bus 坐小面包车(微型汽车)

   by mini bus 坐小面包车

   by train 坐火车

   by trolley bus 坐无轨电车

   by tram 坐有轨电车

   by bike 骑自行车

   by motor car 骑摩托车

   by tube 坐地铁

   by airbus 坐大型客机(空中汽车〕

   by jeep 坐吉普车

   by chance 偶然

   by accident 偶然,无意中

  以及 by virtue of 靠、由于

   by leaps and bounds 大幅度地

   by way of 经由

   by the book 按常规

   The list of discoveries byaccidentcould fill a long book.


   The law of relativity was formulated by Einstein. 相对论是爱因斯坦创立的。(被动)

   The book was written by Mr. Zhang. 这本书是张先生写的。(被动)

   That in 1969 the first artificial satellite was launched to the space is known to man. 1969 年第一颗人造卫星上了天是众所周知的。

  这里用 to man 而不用 by。即当单数又无冠词的 man 和 known 搭配时,表示人类不用 by。


  this,that,tomorrow,yesterday,next, last, one


  例:一天 one day (不说 on one day)

   one summer 在一个夏天

   one year 一年

   last night 昨天夜里

   last Friday 上个星期五

   last month 上月

   last year 去年

   yesterday afternoon 昨天下午

   tomorrow afternoon 明天下午

   tomorrow evening 明天晚上

   next month 下个月

   next week 下周

   next year 明年

   next Saturday 下星期六

   this morning 今天早晨

   this year 今年

   this Tuesday 本星期二

   this Autumn 今年秋天

   that morning 那天早上

   that evening 那天晚上

   无论前面介词 in、on 还是 at,通通可省略,不能说 at last night, on last Friday, in last month, in this year 这些都是不对的,须去掉介词。


  over, under 正上下,above, below 则不然


  例:There is a picture over the window. 窗户上面有一幅画。(正上方)

   The plane flew above the city. 飞机飞过城市上空。(高于城市并非正上方)

   A lamp was hanging over the table. 一盏灯是在方桌上方。(正上方)

   The moon was now above the trees in the east. 这时月亮已经在东边树林的上方。(非正上方)

   Don"t stand above the masses. 勿高踞于群众之上。(比喻一一非正上方)

   The mountain is 700 feet above sea level. 这座山海拔700米。(非正上方)

   There is a small building below the hill. 山下有座小楼房。(非正下方)

   There is a submarine under the water. 水下有艘潜水艇。(正下方)

   Water was found ten feet below the surface. 在地面下10英尺处找到了水。(非正下方)

   The peasants are cooling themselves under the trees. 农民们正在树下乘凉。(正下方)


  over under 正上下,低高 below 与 above

   The temperature in the room is below (or under) 30℃.


   Do you have anything in the way of computers below (under) $10000?




  beyond 超出、无、不能

  例:It"s quite beyond me (It is more than I can understand). 这我完全不懂。

   Don"t stay out beyond 10 o"clock. 不要在外呆到10点以后还不回家。

   But the gratitude from the bottom of my heart to the students and my old colleagues, has gone beyond my control. 发自肺腑的对学生们和我的老同事们的感激之心使我毫不紧张,毫不拘束;

   Your work is beyond all praise, so good that it can"t be praised enough.


   That is going beyond a joke, passes the limits of what is reasonable as a joke.


   They were touched beyond words. 他们被感动得无法形容。(无)

   To do this was quite beyond all doubts. 办这事我无能为力。(超出)

   This is inevitable and beyond all doubts. 这是必然的,毫无疑义的。(无)

   另外, Beyond two cottages stood his house.

   句子中的 beyond 是那边的意思。


  against 靠着,对与反

  例: In front of the wardrobe there are two upholstered armchairs arranged against the south wall near the door. 立柜前面是两把沙发椅,靠着南城门附近。(靠着)

   She leaned wearily against the railings. 她疲惫地靠着栏杆站着。(靠着)

   A new president was elected by a majority of 274 votes against 110.

   新总统以274票对110票的多数当选。 (对)


  besides, except 分内外,among 之内 along 沿

  例:The design has many other advantages besides lower cost.


   He had no time to prepare his lecture, besides which he was unwell.


   Every one of us, except her, went to see the exhibition. 除她外,我们都去参观了展览会。

   He gets up early every day except Sunday. 除星期日外他每天早起。

   Nobody was late except me. 除我以外,没人迟到。



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