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  • 发布时间:2011-09-30 16:34:56
  • 浏览:79


1. One day, I see my friend Vaz and his older sister, Teresa. Teresa is llooking for dinosaur bones! says Vaz. And I"m going to help her!一天,我碰到了我的朋友Vaz和他的姐姐Teresa。Vaz说:Teresa正在寻找恐龙骨头。我在帮她一起找。

2. I say, I know some great diggers who would be happy to help you. And I can help, too! Great! says Teresa. Let"s go!我说:我认识一些很棒的挖掘者,他们会很乐意帮你们的。我也能帮忙噢!Teresa说:太好啦!我们走吧!

3. Teresa takes us to the work place. Clifford digs... and digs... and digs...Teresa带我们来到工地。Clifford挖呀挖呀

4. He finds a huge dinosaur bone! Wow! This looks like it"s from a really big dinosaur, says Teresa.他发现了一根巨大的恐龙骨头呢!汪汪这根骨头看上去好像是真的呢!Teresa说道。

5. What would it be like to live among dinosaurs? thinks Clifford. He would no longer be Clifford The Big Red Dog. He would be The Big Red Dinosaur!Clifford心想:如果和恐龙们生活在一起会是怎么样的呢?他就不再是大红狗Clifford了,而是大红恐龙咯!

6. Clifford works very hard. Others work hard, too. Each day they find more dinosaur bones.Clifford挖得可勤快了,其他人也很卖力呢!每天他们都能挖到更多恐龙骨头。

7. When they find all the bones, all of them are very tired.当他们找到了所有的骨头后,大家都累坏了。

8. Teresa takes a picture of all her helpers. Thank you very much! says Teresa.Teresa给他的帮手们拍了一张照,并说道:非常感谢你们呢!


no longer 不再

He would no longer be The Big Red Dog. 他将不再是大红狗了。


What are Teresa and Vaz looking for?

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