

  • Never Give Up2013-05-10
  • Every night in my dreams, I see you. I feel you, that is how I know you go on, far across the distance and spaces between us. You have come to sh

  • 高一英语作文:Friendship2013-05-04
  • What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no m

  • 高一英语作文:My Little Cousin2013-04-10
  • My little cousin is only ten, but he knows more than any students in his grade.   He likes computer games and he is crazy about music. When

  • 高一英语作文:To My Father2013-03-28
  • Somewhere along the line, the generation gap evaporated. Age separates us now and little else. We agree on most everything, perhaps because we"ve

  • 高一英语作文:最有趣的事2013-03-28
  • To me ,the most interesting subject is English.But I find studying English is very difficult.So if you ask which subject is the most difficult to