

  • 3.7 反身代词2015-04-09
  • I     you     you     she    he   myself   yourself  yourselves herself himself   we     they     it    one

  • 3.6 双重所有格2015-04-04
  • 公式为:     a, an, this, that 名词 of 名词性物主代词。如:       a friend of mine.       each brother of his.

  • 小升初1—6年级英语单词32015-04-04
  • (E e)   工程师 engineer 每天 every day   眼睛 eye 耳朵 ear   鸡蛋 egg 容易的 easy   英语书 English book 八 eight   十一 eleven 英语 E

  • 副词最高级的用法2015-04-04
  • 3)had better 最好:   Wed better not disturb him. 我们最好不要打扰他。   What had we better do? 我们最好怎么办?   I think Id better be go

  • 情景口语Apologizing 道歉2015-04-04
  • Apologizing 道歉   Apologizing 道歉   Sometimes it is necessary to tell someone bad news gently.   1.A: I"m afraid I spilled coffee on the

  • 乘机常用英语对话总结2015-03-28
  • 第一部分、和服务人员的对话   我的座位在那里?   Where is my seat?   我能将手提行李放在这儿吗?   Can I put my baggage here ?   是否

  • 情景口语Wish2015-03-24
  • Wish Hope 希望   来自 | 撰写| 7月4日   A: Tomorrow I want to go to Boston for the day.   B: Oh, good. Good idea.   ---------------------